

Welcome to the Inland Empire Soccer Referees Association SiteSite on Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 3:33:43 pm. We hope that you find the information you are seeking here associated with our services and programs.

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If you cannot locate the information you are seeking on our Site or have a general question about the Inland Empire Soccer Referees Association, please contact us as described under Information: About IESRA.

Otherwise, we hope to see out on the pitch!

What's New?
Next New Referee Clinic (NRC)

New Referee Clinics (NRC) are posted on the WA STATE referee website. One-day classes are offered all over the state throughout the year. No local referee classes are scheduled at this time.Going

2022/23 Laws of the Game

Link to the 2022/23 Laws of the Game IFAB also has an app that is very useful and easy to use.Going

Referee Uniform/equipment vendor

New Referees: Referee Uniforms/Equipment: Official Sports International.Going

Helpful stuff for new refs

The Washington State Referee Committee (WSRC) has compiled information that is helpful for getting new referees started.Going

Washington Guest Referee Registration: How To

Annually, non-Washington state currently registered officials wishing to work games in Washington state must create a GUEST referee registration on the STATE website. Once you have created a state profile, send an email to to request a p...

Monday September 30th, 2019

KXLY interviewed Justin and Rod Davis. Check it out.Going

Rec 7 v 7 Build Out Line

Please watch this short video explaining the Build Out Line for the recreational 7 v 7 match.Going