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About Passwords

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The Site is divided into two areas: called the Public and Private areas. You are currently viewing one of the Public pages that is available to any Internet User. If you are an IESRA Member or believe you should otherwise have access to the Private areas of our Site, you'll need to have had your name added to our Site's Database.

Your name and Password is the key to the Private areaOnce this has occurred, you will be able to identify yourself to the Site via Logon by providing your SiteNameSiteName and password. You can initiate a reset of your password from the Site itself at Logon: Reset Password if you know exactly how spells your first, middle, and last name, and you can process Email from one of the Email addresses on file for your name. Otherwise, contact one of the IESRA Chapter Administrators or send an Email message to requesting information about your identity

The first time you access the Site, it will require that you set a new password for subsequent access to the site. Please set an appropriate Password and remember it. This Password (in combination with your name) is what identifies you as a user to the Site.Anyone that knows your name and password will be able to act as if they were you.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for protecting your identity and password from misuse.