*About IESRA
*Client Agreement
*Match Results
*New Referee


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The following Resources and reference elements are available to you to assist you in supporting the goals of the game and the basic mission of IESRA. Clicking on the "Key" will provide you all the details about the Document available from the IESRA Site or any of the Symbols under Reference will take you directly to the desired item.

multiple multiple Site Printable
19IESRA Rankingpdf
37Irresponsible Behavior Policypdf
18Lightning Policypdf
20Risk Management Applicationpdf
14USSF Administrative Handbook
16USSF Amendments to the current law book
15USSF Guide to Procedures
13USSF Laws of the Games
17WIAA High school rules modifications
26WSYSA State Cup rules
Displayed 1 to 10 of 28 right1rightend

We've collected together a variety of pages here (we call them Resources) that we think you'll find of interest if you're involved with Soccer Referee Officiating or with IESRA specifically. We hope you find them useful and if you have additional suggestions that you believe will help out our program and officiating in our area, go ahead and send along the suggestion to

Click on the appropriate Category at the left of this page under Resources. Enjoy!

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